Friday, November 23, 2007

Reports from the Field: On Assignment in Charleston

Here's the latest from our field reporters. To avoid a fight over who got to report on the SC Aquarium, we opted to have each child pick a specific animal they learned about there.

The Hawk, by Jake

Hi, it's Jake and I'm writing about the hawk. The hawk is a bird of prey. It has very sharp claws and beak for ripping flesh. its claws are used for grabbing and killing food. If you wanted to have a hawk on your arm you'ed have to have a heavy leather glofv plus a hawk. THAT'S 2 POUNDS!!! I like this animal because it's very cool and there good hunters. The End.

The Anteater, by Drew

An anteater is a mammal. It lives in the Amazon Rainforest. The one we saw at the Aquarium was born there not taken from the wild. It has shelter, food, water and a cage to help it stay healthy. We saw the anteater in a show where it was fed, and I thought it was neat how he got his food. It got its food by his long sticky tongue and its claws. It also can stand on its hind legs.

The Nurse Shark, by Emily

Hi I went to the SC aquarium last week and my favorite thing was the two story fish tank. One fo the bigest things in the tank were the nurse sarks. They live in the Bahamas. They are not dangerous to you do not harm them. If you touch them they feel like sand paper. They get feed 3 times a week by scuba divers. At the 3:00 feeding show the diver held a birthday card up (for a girl who was celebrating her birthday). When he let go it floatd away. Well I liket the SC Aquarium. I hope you like it if you can go. Try to go on your birthday if you can.

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