Sunday, November 11, 2007

Reports from the Field: On Assignment in Aurora, IN

This edition of "Reports from the Field" is dedicated to Grandpa Carl on the occasion of his birthday, which he is celebrating today.

My Grandpa Carl, the Collector, by Drew
My Grandpa Carl is a collector. He collects coins, pocket knives and "Coke" items. He is turning 70 today, so this story is his birthday present.

Grandpa's coin collection is very big. He has Liberty Half Dollars. He gave me two of them. He also has wheat pennies, gold coins and a $3 bill too. While we were visiting him in IN, he let us roll some coins into packets of $10.

Grandpa also collects pocket knives from the Aurora Farmers' Fair and other knives. He has Fair knives from every year. He gave me and Jake the 2007 ones and also Dearborn Hospital ones.

Now for the Coke collection. Grandpa's collection is big. He has a glass liter bottle of coke, but if you drink it you might get sick. You will be drinking colored water. His collection is very old. Some things are from when they first started making coke.

So that is what my Grandpa Carl collects. If I was going to be a collector, I would collect coins because they are fascinating and they tell a lot of history from the pictures on them. Collecting knives would also be interesting because knives are unusual and cool.

Happy Birthday Grandpa Carl.

Aurora Lumber Company, by Jake
Hi, this is Jake. Happy Birthday Grandpa Carl. I am writing about the Aurora Lumber Company. It's like a mini Home Depot, but they sell more things. Also, the Aurora Lumber Co is the oldest in IN. It was founded by L.G. Hurbert in 1848. Then one day L.G. Hurbert wanted to sell it so my great grandpa Dell took over. And then Great Grampa Dell wanted to retired my Grampa Carl took it over. (NOTE: Jake left out a couple of owners and about 100 years in his chronology, but it is otherwise fairly accurate.)

When we were on our trip to Indiana me and my brother helped unload the weekly supply truck. Here are the steps: 1. the fork lift gets loaded 2. then they drop it (NOTE: Jake is not using the phrase "drop it" literally here) 3. we take it on a mini hand powered fork lift 4. load on shelf 5. people buy the stuff 6. do it again.

Geuss what there's some very unusual things you can buy there like: a plastic owl, candy, and a light you can strap on your head. Also wood. People who shop there must like projects!

Some jobs that poeple do there are: pick up scrap wood, count money, drive trucks for delivering, and more. The end.

The Aquarium, by Emily
Hello, it's me Emily. The Newport Aquarium is not in Indiana. It is in Kentucky. Newport is a town in Kentucky. Did you know there is such a thing as sharkray? "What is a sharkray?" Well, I will tell you. A sharkray is a shark/ray and at the Newport Aquarium they have two. One is sweetpea and the other is scooter. They hope sweetpea and scooter mait soon, but there is a bunch of other things at the aquarium too.

There are sharks, a turtel, jelly fish, eles, birds, starfish and pengones. The birds go on your head and arms and you get to touch the starfish. They were my faverit. My cousin Kaylee loved the pengones. We stayed there a long time. I liked them too. The End.

P.S. Happy birthday to my Grandpa Carl and my Uncle David because they have birthdays right next to each other. Well, bye.

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